
Azarbaijan the head of Iran

History of Iran




Corporation Gifts items
Personal Gifts
this section temorarily is closed unti our site is updated

The Following items are made available at lowest possible prices

Crown in Golden color in the Acrylic box
Laser engraved inside crystal clear box
4X8 Inches in dimension
comes in two styles with or without light
With glowing Light --- $65.00
(Simple) No Light --- $50.00

Gold plated Crown necklace
In four (4+)Inchese in diameter -- $48.99

Key Chain with Reza Shah the Great Portrait
Silver Plated-- $25.99
With blinking light --$35.99
Gold Plated chain -- $40.00
Gold (14 Ct) chain -- $750.00
Gold (18 Ct) Chain -- $950.00

Any of the here below portrait can be laser engraved instead of Crown at same price

Key Chain with Shahanshah Aryamehtr portrait
Silver Plated -- $25.99
With blinking light --$35.99
Gold Plated chain -- $40.00
Gold (14 Ct) chain -- $750.00
Gold (18 Ct) Chain -- $950.00

Key Chain with Shahbanoo Farah Portrait
Silver Plated -- $25.99
With blinking light --$35.99
Gold Plated chain -- $40.00
Gold (14 Ct) chain -- $750.00
Gold (18 Ct) Chain -- $950.00

Key Chain with Prince Reza Pahlavi's Portrait
Silver Plated -- $25.99
With blinking light --$35.99
Gold Plated chain -- $40.00
Gold (14 Ct) chain -- $750.00
Gold (18 Ct) Chain -- $950.00

All items sold from a secure encrypted site. We value your help.
Online donation system by ClickandPledge
Click & Pledge Securely


اين تار نما را به ياد پدرم، تيمسار سرلشکر علی نشاط، و ساير قهرمانان نيروهای مسلح شاهنشاهی ايران و جانباختگان راه آزادی پيش کش نمودم
This site is dedicated to my father General Ali Neshat commander of Imperial Iranian Guards, and to all of the other unsung heroes of the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces who fell in the name of Iran.

This website devoted to the unsung heros of the Imperial Forces

Your Voice is heard when is clear and loud!




Answer to the History




Splendors of Iran


اگر شما از فاير فاکس (موزيلا) استفاده می کنيد برای ديدن ابزار شنودی به آخرين ورژن آن احتياج داريد اينجا کليک کنيد
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